Label-free optical biosensor for on-line monitoring the integrated response of human B cells upon the engagement of stimulatory and inhibitory immune receptors. Istvan Kurucz, Beatrix Peter, Aurel Prosz, Inna Szekacs, Anna Erdei.
392 I. Romanytsia et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 207 (2015) 391–397 investigated to improve the sensing performances. Recent stud-ies have reported the sensing performances of Au+YSZ [19] and
The system is plumbed using a 0.032-in. Teflon tubing. K. Yan, D. Zhang / Sensors and Actuators B 212 (2015) 353–363 355 kernel is used (K( xi, xj)= xi · xj), it is equivalent to the linear SVM- RFE. ThisnonlinearversionofSVM K. Skucha et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 145 (2010) 232–238 233 [10–12]. Upon exposure to H2, the workfunction change of Pd causes an increase in resistance of the CNT Kumar et al.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 110, 140. 2. Analytical Chemistry, 110, 136. 3. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 101, 127.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical journal homepage: snb. Bacterial sensors based on chitosan matrices. Dilek Odaci, Suna Timur∗,
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Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing research and development in the field of chemical sensors and biosensors, chemical actuators …
Yang et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 230 (2016) 600–606 601 individual electrode and the increase of the total number of elec-trodes, as in an MEA, is shown to improve the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and achieve lower LOD [5,7]. An excellent sensor action can be obtained by controlling the space between each microelectrode of
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Schusser et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013) 2–7 3 Fig. 1. Schematic of the measurement set-up and layer structure of a field-effect PMEIS sensor (a) and its simplified equivalent circuit (b) comprising the effective capacitance of the EIS sensor C; C is consisting of the insulator capacitance C i and the
Read the latest articles of Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Read the latest articles of Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Wang et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 268 (2018) 512–518 513 Fig 1. SchematicoftheFLI-QEPASC2H2 sensor.WDM,wavelengthdivisionmultiplexer;EDF,erbiumdopedfiber;FBG,fiberBragggrating;FBGA,FBGinterrogationanalyzer; …
J. Zhang et al.
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We found that we could prepare an inverse opal hydrogel with an estimated ERC ∼0.3% that shows a respon-sivity in Aims and Scope Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing research and development in the field of chemical sensors and biosensors, chemical actuators and analytical microsystems. Mondal et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 158 (2011) 292–298 Fig. 1.
Kandpal et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 229 (2016) 534–544 535 a good quality seed has strong vigor and steady germination and establishes quickly in the field. In general, seeds start to lose vigor before they lose their abil-ity to germinate; therefore, vigor (germination potential) testing is an important practice in seed production
Stradolini et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 269 (2018) 304–313 305 in electro-polymerization.
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Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap, Fysik och elektroteknik. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 2014, Vol. 195, pp. 651-656 [Peer Reviewed Journal].
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